Elysium Ensemble

Lucinda Moon

Lucinda Moon

After first training in Adelaide, Lucinda graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts in 1991 and later received the Willem van Otterloo and Nickson Travelling scholarships for postgraduate studies in baroque violin. She studied twice at the Royal Conservatorium in The Hague under Sigiswald Kuijken, graduating in 1995.

In 1996, Lucinda won a prize in the Bruges Early Music Competition with Les Quatre and started working with the Stockholm-based trio, The Musicke Roome. The group toured Sweden, Germany, Mexico, and Australia, performing at the Barossa Music Festival in Australia and the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico. They recorded two CDs: Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Pièces de claveçin en concert and a live album of 18th-century French instrumental music.

Lucinda Moon with viola d'amore

Lucinda Moon with her viola d’amore

From 1995 to 2008, as the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s concertmaster, Lucinda led the orchestra in national and global concert series and many recordings. She often performed as a soloist with the orchestra, including a national tour of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

A versatile musician, Lucinda also plays the violino piccolo, viola, and viola d’amore, performing on the viola d’amore both in Australia and abroad. During this time, she also played as guest concertmaster and soloist with the Pacific Baroque Orchestra in Vancouver and the Orchestra of the 18th Century in Jean-Philippe Rameau’s opera Les Indes Galants in Poland and the Netherlands.

In addition to being part of the Elysium Ensemble, Lucinda performed and recorded with other Australian early music groups such as Chacona (Newcastle), Adelaide Baroque, Salut! Baroque, Latitude 37, and Accademia Arcadia. She has appeared regularly at the Adelaide Festival, Coriole Music, Melbourne Autumn Music and Woodend Winter Arts Festivals, and Blackwood River Chamber Music Festival in Western Australia. In 2015, she was a soloist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.